The ancient texts express the musical realities of yesteryear in terms that are not familiar to us. We must learn the musical language of men of the past, but also their global way of expressing
themselves, their imagination, their daily lives and to represent how they themselves were in a process of memory. It’s not just about taking a score and playing it, but also about understanding the world that this music refers to.”
Marcel Pérès

Always well-established in Moissac, ensemble Organum offers monthly activities related to other events elsewhere in the world. This creates a web that allows those who follow these events to discover other cultures, to experience the links – often invisible today – that have shaped our history and created what is specific about our European civilization.
Faithful to its mission, ensemble Organum continues to explore not only forgotten repertoires but also their variations in this present which, more than ever, needs to benefit from new points of view, to glimpse fruitful perspectives – whether past or future – to invent successful sociabilities, to explore bold vectors of transmission.
Whether in Moissac, Rome, Paris, Poznan, Elche or Granada, Bogota, Houston, Lauzerte or Boudou; with the ancient chant of Rome, the Mozarabic chant of Toledo, the splendours of the École de Notre-Dame de Paris, or the musical mysteries of the coronation of the first king of Poland in 1025, come and share with us the adventure that has lasted since 1982 and never ceases to project us towards horizons of harmony and light.
The different music styles should be perceived as so many sound icons, vibrating entities that invite the listener to immerse himself in an emotional experience of which words and sounds are only the sign. Thus was born in 2011 the motto of Ensemble Organum: To explore the driving forces of our intangible heritage.
Besides a historical and technical approach to the music of the past, the practice of forgotten repertories reveals to us the metaphysical function of music. The architecture of sound is the sign of a relationship between man and his own destiny. At this point we surpass the social and even cultural dimension of musical art, as maan is challenged by the image of his supernatural destiny.