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Harmonia Mundi a historical partner
Harmonia Mundi has been the historical partner of Organum since 1983. For about fifteen years Harmonia Mundi edited – practically in real time – all the advances of the ensemble Organum in its rediscovery of early music, covering a wide musical spectrum, from late antiquity to the 18th century. Most of the recordings of the ensemble Organum received the greatest distinctions in the whole world, as the approach inspired by Marcel Pérèsrenewed in depth the interpretation of ancient music. Thus, the New York Times distinguished the recording of Machaut’s Mass by the ensemble Organum by placing it among the 100 recordings that disrupted history of music in the 20th century.
After almost twenty years of interruption the collaboration between Harmonia Mundi and the ensemble Organum starts over again, with the progressive reissue of all the titles of the Harmonia Mundi collection to which will be added the recordings made with other labels since 2001 and the registration of new titles. It will also be soon available online. So it is the whole musical journey of the ensemble Organum that will be available with a unique collection of more than forty albums, most dedicated to forgotten master-piece works that reveal unexpected aspects of the relationship that humans build between memory, the different dimensions of time and contemporary consciousness.
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Rééditions Novembre 2019:
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Rééditions Novembre 2018:
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COMPOSTELA Ad vesperas Sancti Iacobi
Codex Calixtinus – XIIe siècle
HMO 8905301
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Chant of the Templars
HMO 8905302
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Messe de Notre-Dame
HMO 8901590
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Laudes de sainte Ursule
In Matutinis Laudibus Sancte Ursule
HMO 8901626
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Messe du jour de Noël
Plain-chant parisien – XVIIe & XVIIIe siècle
Improvisations à l’orgue Clicquot de Houdan
HMO 8901480
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Mass for the Nativity of the Virgin
Messe de la Nativité de la Vierge
HMO 8901538
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