Les Diagonales materialize, in spring, summer and autumn, this other type of musical meetings where everyone can live at his own level a personal experience in contact with new horizons that radically transform the very idea of festival..

Singing Workshop :
- Les 72 verses to Saint Martial compoed by Ademar de Chabannes led by Marcel Pérès – From October 26 to November 1st
This masterpiece composed exactly 1000 years ago has never been sung. It is the oldest witness of western polyphony. Come and discover it and participate in the great lyrical epic of the Ensemble Organum.
This course is open to all and oral instruction plays an essential role. It allows to hear and assimilate the musical intervals specific to each mode, to hear the musical rhythmic and the prosody of poetic texts. They could be resurrected by confronting the manuscripts with vocal traditions still alive.
End of workshop concert
November 1, 2024 at 4 pm – Moissac Abbey
mail to ensembleorganum@yahoo.fr