The ancient texts express the musical realities of yesteryear in terms that are not familiar to us. We must learn the musical language of men of the past, but also their global way of expressing
themselves, their imagination, their daily lives and to represent how they themselves were in a process of memory. It’s not just about taking a score and playing it, but also about understanding the world that this music refers to.”
Marcel Pérès
The Association Organum is a non-profit organization that brings together those who wish to support the Ensemble Organum directed by Marcel Pérès (dissemination of repertoires through concerts worldwide) and CIRMA (research, teaching, production and publication activities) in the whole of their artistic, cultural and educational policy and contribute to its influence in France and abroad.
Created at the Abbey of Sénanque in 1982, then hosted by the Royaumont Foundation from 1984 to 2000, where Marcel Pérès founded the CERIMM (European Centre for the Interpretation of Medieval Music), the Organum Association has been located, since 2001, in Moissac, a high heritage site.
Its objective is to support and develop research in the field of ancient, current and traditional music from Europe and the Mediterranean basin and promote these repertoires through teaching, publication and dissemination.
Why ?
Today, 98% of musical practices are devoted to the last three centuries of the second millennium. There are, however, immense musical continents that remain to be discovered.
The study of ancient repertoires cannot be limited to a simple reconstruction of written or oral material. It calls for another relationship to memory, to its construction through musical behaviours revealing other horizons. The practice of these musics profoundly transforms the of the past leads to a profound rethinking of musical behaviours and their functions within the social fabric.
How ?
– Explore the most forgotten areas of musical history
– Situating early music at the heart of cultural issues in the contemporary world
– Reassess the parameters of cultural action
– Building new ways of disseminating and transmitting knowledge
– To consider cultural and spiritual heritage as an essential resource in the creative processes
Association Organum
12, boulevard lakanal BP 50019
82201 MOISSAC cedex 1
Warning ! Entrance of our premises along the canal Quai Hébrard behind the college of doctrinaires.
Phone: +33 (0)5 63 95 02 91
Our team
Marcel PERES – Artistic director
Sandra MOMMAYOU – Administrator
Chrysanthos ANTONIOU – In charge of communication
Annick BOUCHENY – President
Christine LORENZO – Treasurer
France DEBES – Secretary
Venir à Moissac – Occitanie
En train : Nous sommes situés à 400m de la Gare de Moissac (Occitanie), des trains venant de Toulouse, Agen, Bordeaux et autres grandes villes desservent notre ville …Plus d’infos sur SNCF
En avion : Nous sommes situés à 50 minutes de l’aéroport de Blagnac (Toulouse) via A62, des services de taxi peuvent vous amener à Moissac ou vous pouvez prendre le train de la gare Matabiau (Toulouse) pour Moissac…Plus d’infos sur Aéroport de Toulouse
Par la route : Nous sommes à 10 kms (10 minutes de route) de l’échangeur autoroutier de Castelsarrasin qui vous permettra de rejoindre l’A20, l’A62 et l’Autoroute des deux mers.
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